Tratamento das fraturas peritrocantéricas do fêmur com haste céfalo-diafisária bloqueada
Fraturas peritrocantéricas, Haste, Céfalo-diafisáriaResumo
Os autores apresentam a técnica de osteossíntese com haste céfalo-diafisária bloqueada para o tratamento de fraturas peritrocantéricas instáveis, apresentando as indicações e vantagens do método.
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Schipper IB, Steyerberg EW, Casteleirr RM, Heijderr FHWM, Hoed PT; Kerver AJH; Vught AB. Treatament of urrstable trocharrteric fractures: Rarrdomised comparisorr of the Gamma Nail arrd the Proximal Femoral Nail. The Journal Of Borre& Joirrt Surgery (Br)2004; 86:86-94.
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Bellabarba C, Herscovici DJ, Ricci WM. PercutaneousTreatmerrt of Perithochanteric Fractures Using The Gamma Nail. J. Orthop Trauma. l7:S38-S50.
Radford PJ, NeedoffM, Webb JK. A prospective rarrdomized comparison of the dynamic hip screw arrd the Gamma lockirrg nail. J Borre Joint Surg [Br] 1993; 75:789-93.
Lyddon DWJr. The preverrtion of complicatiorrs with the Gamma lockirrg nail. Am J Orthop 1?96; 357-63.
Valverde JA, Alonso MG, Porro JG, Rueda D, Larrauri PM, Soler JJ. Use of the Gamma nail in the.treatment of fractures of the proximal femur. Clin Orthop 1998; 350:56-61.
Alvarez JR, Gonzolez RC, Ararrda RL, Blarrco MF, Dehesa MC. Irrdicatiorrs for use of che long Gamma Nail. Clin Orthop 1998; 350:62-6.
O. Hotz TK, Zellweger R, KachKP. Minimal invasive treatment of che proximal femur fractures with che long Gamma nail: indicatiorr, techrrique, results. ].Trauma 1999; 47:942-45.
Bellabarba C, Herscovici DJr., Ricci W M. Percutaneous treatment of peritrocharrteric fractures usirrg the Gamma nail. Clirr Orthop 2000;375:30-42.
Adams CI, Robinson M, Court-Browrr C.M, McQueen MM. Prospective randomized corrtrolled triai of an intramedullary nail versus dynamic screw and plate for intertrochanteric fractures of the femur. J Orchop Trauma 2001; 15:394-400.