Retalho Sural
Indicação e técnica cirúrgica
sural, osteomielite, retalhoResumo
O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o retalho sural e discutir algumas indicações para a cobertura cutânea nos membros inferiores.
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Masquelet AC, Romana MC, Wolf G. Skin island flaps supplied by the vascular axis of the sensitive superficial nerves: anatomic study and clinical experience in the leg. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1992 Jun;89(6):1115-21.
Alfano C, Chiummariello S, Mazzocchi M, Trignano E, Rinaldi S. Use of the reverse flow island sural flap in the replacement of tissue loss involving the distal third of the leg, ankle and heel. Acta Chir Plast. 2006;48(1):10, 12-4.
Ignatiadis IA, Tsiampa VA, Galanakos SP, Georgakopoulos GD, Gerostathopoulos NE, Ionac M, Jiga LP, Polyzois VD. The reverse sural fasciocutaneous flap for the treatment of traumatic, infectious or diabetic foot and ankle wounds: A retrospective.