Tratamento das fraturas complexas da tíbia pela técnica “MIPO”
Fraturas da tíbia - Cirurgia, MIPO, MIPPO, Fixação internaResumo
Os autores apresentam a técnica de osteossíntese com placa, minimamente invasiva (MIPO) para o tratamento das fraturas complexas da tíbia, apresentando suas indicações e vantagens do método.
Perren SM. The concept of biological plating using the limited contact-dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP). Injury 1991; 22(S1):01-05.
Miclau T, Martin RE. The evolution of modern plate osteosynthesis. Injury 1997; 28(S1):03-06.
Wenda K, Runkel M, Degreif J, Rudig L. Minimally invasive plate fixation in femoral fractures. Injury 1997; 28(S1):13-19.
Krettek C, Schandelmaier P, Miclau T, Tscherne H. Minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO) using the DCS in proximal and distal femoral fractures. Injury 1997; 28(S!):20-30.
Krettek C, Schandelmaier P, Miclau T, Bertram R, Holmes W, Tscherne H. Transarticular joint reconstruction and indirect plate osteosynthesis for complex distal supracondylar femoral fractures. Injury 1997; 28(S1):31-41.
Helfet DL, Shonnard PY, Levine D, Borrelli JJr.. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis of distal fractures of the tibia. Injury 1997; 28(S1): 42-48.
Krettek C, Miclau T, Grün O, Schandelmaier P, Tscherne H. Intraoperative control of axes, rotation and length in femoral and tibial fractures. Injury 1998;29(S3):29-39.
Krettek C, Gerich T, MiclauT. A minimally invasive medial approach for proximal tibial fractures. Injury 2001; 32(S1):04-13.
Krettek C, Müller M, Miclau T. Evolution of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) in the femur. Injury 2001; 32(S3):14-23.
Schütz M, Müller M, Krettek C, Hönstzsch, Regazzoni P, Ganz R, Haas N. Minimally invasive fracture stabilization of distal femoral fractures with the LISS: A prospective multicenter study. Results of a clinical study with special emphasis on difficult cases. Injury 2001; 32(S3):48-54