Tratamento das fraturas da diáfise do úmero com haste intramedular anterógrada
Fraturas do Úmero, Haste, AnterógradaResumo
Os autores apresentam a técnica de osteossíntese, com haste intramedular anterógrada, para o tratamento de fraturas da diáfise do úmero, apresentando suas indicações e vantagens do método.
Rommens PM, Blum J, Runkel M. Retrograde nailing of humeral shaft fractures. Clin Orthop 1998; 350:26-39.
Crates J, Whittle AP. Antegrade interlocking nailing of acute humeral shaft fractures. Clin Orthop 1998; 350:40-50.
Modabber MR, Jupiter JB. Operative management of diaphyseal fractures of the humerus. Plate versus nail. Clin Orthop 1998; 347:93-104.
Blum J, Janzing H, Gahr R, Langendorff HS, Rommens PM. Clinical performance of a new medullary humeral nail: antegrade versus retrograde insertion. J Orthop Trauma 2001; 15:342-9.
Lin J. Treatment of humeral shaft fractures with humeral locked nail and comparison with plate fixation. J Trauma 1998; 44:859-64.
Lin J, Hou SM. Antegrade locked nailing for humeral shaft fractures. Clin Orthop 1999; 365:201-10.
Chapman JR, Henley MB, Agel J, Benca PJ. Randomized prospective study of humeral shaft fracture fixation: intramedullary nails versus plates. J Orthop Trauma 2000; 14:162-6.
Zatti G, Teli M, Ferrario A, Cherubino P. Treatment of closed humeral shaft fractures with intramedullary elastic nails. J Trauma 1998; 45:1046-50.
McCormack RG, Brien D, Buckley RE, McKee MD, Powell J, Schemitsch EH. Fixation of fractures of the shaft of the humerus by dynamic compression plate or intramedullary nail. A prospective, randomised trial; J Bone Joint Surg (B) 2000; 82:336-9.