Princípios da cirurgia minimamente invasiva na reparação das lesões do tendão de Aquiles com a técnica de Bosworth
Achilles Tendon, Tendon Injuries, Achilles Tendon surgery, Video-Assisted Surgery, Minimally lnvasive SurgeryAbstract
Surgical repair of Achilles tendon ruptures presents the challenge of restoring the function in a large defect with minimal complications and return to pre injury level of activity without delay. Complication after this treatment like shin edge necroses, superficial wound infection, seroma formation may occur with open tradicional techniques and rerupture with percutaneous suture or endoscopic repair. The purpose of this study is to reproduce the technique of reverse gastrocnemius aponeurotic flap to reinforce the anastomosis (Bosworth) using a minimal invasive surgery
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