Tratamento cirúrgico da tríade terrível do cotovelo
osteossíntese da cabeça do rádio e reparo ligamentar com âncoras
dislocations, elbow joint instability, surgical treatmentAbstract
Terrible triad injury of elbow is considered the most difficult injury to treat considering elbow fractures. In cases with ligament injury, a double elbow approach is usually indicated and after anatomical restoration, fixation with screws is performed. In some cases, nonconventional techniques are necessary. In this case, open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture with screws of mini and micro fragments and repair of the complex medial and lateral ligaments with the use of anchors is indicated, due to the personality and comminution of the fracture. Instability, joint stiffness and arthrosis are the most frequent complications in this injury.
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