Artrodese talonavicular para tratamento de pé plano valgo em paralisia cerebral


  • Bruno de Oliveira Amin Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Monica Paschoal Nogueira Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Luiz Alberto Barbosa Tavares Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Alessandro Monterroso Felix Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Paulo Rogério Kanaji Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Willian Martins Ferreira Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Nikita Tayana Penafort de Lima Ramos Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo


Cerebral palsy, Pes planovalgus, Talonavicular arthrodesis


Pes planovalgus is a common deformity in children with neurologic diseases; complications can occur with this deformity as pain in orthostatic position, instability during stance, pressure ulcers on the medial region where the talus head becomes prominent and maladaptation to orthoses. Several surgical techniques have been reported to correction of this deformity, however most of them do not come out totally satisfactory. Turriago states that the shortening of the medial column and the talonavicular arthrodesis correct both deformity and instability and can be an effective alternative to the current technics.


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Author Biographies

Bruno de Oliveira Amin, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Médico Residente (R4) em Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do HSPE – IAMSPE – São Paulo

Monica Paschoal Nogueira, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Chefe do Grupo de Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do HSPE – IAMSPE – São Paulo

Alessandro Monterroso Felix, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Médico Assistente do Grupo de Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do HSPE – IAMSPE São Paulo


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How to Cite

Amin B de O, Nogueira MP, Tavares LAB, Felix AM, Kanaji PR, Ferreira WM, Ramos NTP de L. Artrodese talonavicular para tratamento de pé plano valgo em paralisia cerebral. RTO [Internet]. 2016 Jan. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];16(1):17-21. Available from:


