Instabilidade femoropatelar juvenil

Uma nova proposta de tratamento


  • Marco Antonio Schueda
  • Rodrigo Dall'Agnol
  • Gilberto Hornburg


Pattelo femoral instability, Lateral retinocularrelease, Semitendinus tendon's graft


Pains of patellofemoral articulation in children and adolescents occur due the patellar's malalignment and instability. This work considers, in bigger malalignments, the association of techniques that stretch soft pares preventing aggression in the skeleton immature. It is effected lateral retinacular release, reinforcement of two static stabilizers, LPFM (medial patellofemoral ligament) and the LPTM (medial patellotibial ligament) with semitendinus tendon's grafe not turned of the tibia and stretching of the vastus medialis. Redirecting the force vectors, we get a resultant that promotes improvement in the patellofemoral excursion. We objectify, with the use of this technique, to raise the surgical-therapeutical armory of the patellofemoral instability in children and adolescents.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Schueda

Médico Ortopedista Preceptor da Especializaçáo em Cirurgia do Joelho. Artroscopia e Traumatologia Desportiva-IOT-Joinville

Rodrigo Dall'Agnol

Médico Residente do 3º ano do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do IOT-Joinville

Gilberto Hornburg

Médico Radiologista do Serviço de Tomografia do Hospital Dona Helena-Joinville SC


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How to Cite

Schueda MA, Dall’Agnol R, Hornburg G. Instabilidade femoropatelar juvenil: Uma nova proposta de tratamento. RTO [Internet]. 2006 Aug. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];6(3):8-14. Available from:


