Técnica de Sauvé-kapandji no tratamento da deformidade de Madelung


  • Luiz Carlos Angelini Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal
  • Rafael de Souza Ribeiro Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal


Wrist, Abnormalities, Madelung


The Deformity of Madelung is characterized by a congenital alteration of distal radius in the palmary and ulnae regions by consequence cause dislocation of distal radioulnar joinc and a curve radius. These alterations are apparent during adolescence causing serious functional and eschetic disarrangemenc. The surgical technique of Sauvé-Kapandji consists in a segmentai cut of distal ulna that causes, by its spell, an automatic liberation of the forearm. It corrects direccly two of three main characteristics of Deformicy of Madelung. By this technique is possible correct the dislocation of distal radioulnar joint and, at the sarne time, give support to the wrisc put down by the radial deficiency.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Carlos Angelini, Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal

Chefe da Clínica de Cirurgia da Mão do Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal, São Paulo, SP

Rafael de Souza Ribeiro, Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal

Membro Tttular da Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia - SBOT, Residente do segundo ano da Clínica de Cirurgia da Mão do Hospital do ServidorPúblico Municipal, São Paulo, SP


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How to Cite

Angelini LC, Ribeiro R de S. Técnica de Sauvé-kapandji no tratamento da deformidade de Madelung. RTO [Internet]. 2006 Oct. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];6(4):26-30. Available from: https://tecnicasemortopedia.com.br/revista/article/view/263


