Tratamento ortótico após diagnóstico precoce de tíbia vara de Blount infantil


  • Nikita Tayana Penafort de Lima Ramos Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Bruno de Oliveira Amin Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Luiz Alberto Barbosa Tavares Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Alessandro Monterroso Felix Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo
  • Monica Paschoal Nogueira Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo


Blount Disease, Tibia Vara, Conservative treatment, Orthotic devices


Blount disease is a pathology of development, characterized by involvement of the proximal medial tibial physis. The child presents clinicaly with varus and internal rotation of the lower limb. Two distinct clinical forms have been recognized: infantile and adolescent. A third form, which was called juvenile Blount disease is recognized by Thompson. It is usually noted shortly after the child have begun walking and frequently confused with physiologic genu varum. The difference is genu varum does not need treatment and Blount disease does. Type 1 or 2 of Langenskiöld are the best to conservative treatment with KAFO brace. A boy with infantile Blount disease is reported, he was underwent nonsurgical management with brace to correct the deformities.


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Author Biographies

Nikita Tayana Penafort de Lima Ramos, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Médico Residente (R4) em Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do HSPE – IAMSPE – São Paulo

Alessandro Monterroso Felix, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Médico Assistente do Grupo de Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do HSPE – IAMSPE – São Paulo

Monica Paschoal Nogueira, Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo

Chefe do Grupo de Ortopedia Infantil e Reconstrução do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do HSPE – IAMSPE – São Paulo


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How to Cite

Ramos NTP de L, Amin B de O, Tavares LAB, Felix AM, Nogueira MP. Tratamento ortótico após diagnóstico precoce de tíbia vara de Blount infantil. RTO [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];16(4):8-12. Available from:


