Tratamento de Osteossarcoma Pélvico
Internai Hemipelvectomy, Osteosarcoma, Hindquarter AmputationAbstract
Less than 5% of the malignam bones tumors are in the pelvic bones. The autors presem a case reporc ofa 20 years old patient who has an osteosarcoma ofche iliac bone. This patienr was treaced by preoperative chemotherapy, interna! hemipelvectomy and postoperative chemoterapy. This pacient was free of disease for 2 years afcer creatment. However, he had a local recurrence, without metastasis, and was submicted to another trearmenr wirh chemoterapy and radical surgery ( hindquarrer amputation). Now, he is in che rhird month postoperative and receiving chemotherapy. The pelvic osteosarcoma has a worse prognosis rhan rhe exrremiry osreosarcoma, and it remains one of the greatest challenges in orthopaedic oncology.
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