Tratamento cirúrgico da fratura osteocondral ântero-lateral do tálus


  • Wellington Farias Molina HSPE
  • Kelly Cristina Stéfani HSPE
  • Francisco Mendes Ferreira Neto HSPE


Talus fracture, Osteochondral lesion of the talus


The osteochondral lesions oftalus are infrequent and usually represent a belated sequei to a trauma on the ankle. The purpose of this work is to describe the surgical open technique on a stage IV lesion of Berndt and Harty.


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Author Biographies

Wellington Farias Molina, HSPE

Médico chefe do grupo de afecções do pé e tornozelo do HSPE

Kelly Cristina Stéfani, HSPE

Médica assistente do grupo de afecções do pé e tornozelo do HSPE

Francisco Mendes Ferreira Neto, HSPE

Médico residente do se1Viço de Ortopedia do HSPE


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How to Cite

Molina WF, Stéfani KC, Ferreira Neto FM. Tratamento cirúrgico da fratura osteocondral ântero-lateral do tálus. RTO [Internet]. 2009 Jan. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];9(1):21-7. Available from:


