Técnica de alavancagem para tratamento cirúrgico da fratura supracondiliana do úmero em crianças
Elbow, Fracture, Prospective study, Ostheossynthesis, SurgeryAbstract
Objective: to demonstrate the results of an alternative technique for fixation of supra condylar fractures of the humerus in children (Gartland III) who could not be treated within the first few hours after the trauma. Methods: a prospective study of 33 patients who underwent reduction of fracture by levering with the use of a pin crossing the fracture focus and percutaneous fixation with Kirschner wires. The minimum follow-up lasted 1O weeks and the maximum 18 weeks. Results: every patient evaluated achieved consolidation in proper alignment with satisfactory results within 18 weeks. One patient had a superficial infection in the fixation pin route and three others presented nervous injuries (two due to the trauma and one iatrogenic). Conclusion: this technique has been shown as being effective on the treatment of these fractures on the studied patients, being, therefore an alternative treatment technique for this type of injury.
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