Tratamento do Pé Torto Complexo pelo Método Ponseti


  • Monica Paschoal Nogueira HSPE
  • Alessandro Monterroso Felix HSPE
  • Paulo Kanaji HSPE
  • William Martins Ferreira HSPE


The variation of Ponseti method necessary to treat correctly these feet


The treatment of complex clubfeet is a challenge for the orthopaedic surgeon because the moulding and maintainance of cast position is difficult in these feet, with a fatty subcutaneous tissue , a deep medial to plantar crease, features that can be compared to sympathetic dystrophy and a stronger tendency to recurrencies.


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Author Biographies

Monica Paschoal Nogueira, HSPE

Médica ortopedista chefe do grupo de ortopedia pediátrica do HSPE.

Alessandro Monterroso Felix, HSPE

Médico ortopedista assistente do grupo de ortopedia pediátrica do HSPE.

Paulo Kanaji, HSPE

Médico ortopedista colaborador do grupo de ortopedia pediátrica do HSPE.


Ponseti IV, Zhivkov M , Davis N, et al. Treatment of the complex idiopathic clubfoot. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006;(451):171-6.

Ponseti IV. Congenital clubfoot: fundamentals of treatment. New York: Oxford University, 1996.

Ponseti IV. Common errors in the treatment of congenital clubfoot. Int Orthop. 1997;21(2):137-41.

Nogueira MP, Fox MH, Miller KK, et al. The Ponseti method in Brazil: barriers to bracing compliance. I Orthop J. 2013;33: 161-6.

Nogueira MP, Farcetta M, Fox MH, et al. Treatment of congenital clubfoot with the Ponseti method: the parents’ perspective. J Pediatr Orthop B. In press.



How to Cite

Nogueira MP, Felix AM, Kanaji P, Ferreira WM. Tratamento do Pé Torto Complexo pelo Método Ponseti. RTO [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];13(2):5-9. Available from:


