Artroplastia reversa de ombro no tratamento de portador de mieloma múltiplo


  • Erika Saori Gushiken Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo (HSPE), São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Rafael Segundo Ferreira das Neves Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo (HSPE), São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Lucas Gasparetto Bittar Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo (HSPE), São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Marcos Hajime Tanaka Hospital do Servidor Estadual de São Paulo (HSPE), São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Marcello Martins de Souza


mieloma; próteses e implantes; tumores; úmero.


The authors describe the use of reverse shoulder arthroplasty as a treatment for a proximal humerus injury in a patient with multiple myeloma, proposed with the aim of minimizing pain, as well as optimizing limb movement. Report its indications and technical difficulties, as well as the main complications.


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How to Cite

Gushiken ES, Neves RSF das, Bittar LG, Tanaka MH, Souza MM de. Artroplastia reversa de ombro no tratamento de portador de mieloma múltiplo. RTO [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];22(1):13–16. Available from:


