Deformidade em valgo do tálus por Doença de Trevor
A Doença de Trevor, também conhecida por displasia epifisária hemimélica, é uma doença benigna rara, caraterizada por crescimento osteocondral anormal e assimétrico de uma ou mais epífises. Apresentamos um caso de Doença de Trevor no tálus e tíbia distal, que evoluiu com deformidade progressiva em valgo do retropé e abduto do antepé, com necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico.
Uygur E, Demiroğlu M, Aydin D, Kiliç B, Özkan K. An unusual presentation of Trevor’s disease at the ankle joint: Involvement of both medial and lateral epiphyses. Foot (Edinb). 2018;36:55-58.
Karuppal R, Somasundaran S, V Raman RV. Trevor Disease: At Lower Tibia with Literature Review. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2016;1:1015.
Ionescu A, Popescu B, Neagu O, Carp M, Tevanov I, Balanescu L, et al. Dysplasia Epiphysealis Hemimelica (Trevor’s Disease) in Children, Two New Cases: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Literature Review. Children (Basel). 2021;8(10):907.
Acquaviva A, Municchi G, Marconcini S, Mazzarella F, Occhini R, Toti P, et al. Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica in a young girl: role of MRI in the diagnosis and follow-up. Joint Bone Spine. 2005;72(2):183-6.
Dhillon MS, Dhillon M, Patel S, Sharma S. A Lumpy-Bumpy Painful Ankle - Trevor Disease of the Ankle in a 9-year-old. J Orthop Case Rep. 2022;12(9):26-29.
Gopinathan NR, Sudesh P, Sament R, Viswanathan VK. Acutely presenting kissing lesions of the ankle: an atypical Trevor’s disease and literature review of other unusual presentations of the disease. BMJ Case Rep. 2013:bcr0220125798.
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Nishiyama M, Nii E, Akeda K, Uchida A. Limb-lengthening and angular correction for dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica. J Orthop Sci. 2001;6(4):358-61.
Jovanović DV, Ilić MB, Milosavljević MZ, Mihajlović Z, Vojinović RH, Mitrovic SLj, Azanjac G. Dysplasia epiphyseali hemimelica: a case report. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2014;71(11):1081-4.
Sadeghifar AR, Heshmati AA. Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica (trevor syndrome) of talus in a 21-year-old woman; case report. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2014;2(1):66-8.