Tratamento das lesões em martelo ósseo pela técnica do bloqueio da extensão com fio de Kirschner
The treatment of mallet fractures of the digits remains controversial. Indications for surgery include large fragments, usually up to 30% of the joint surface or associated with subluxation of the distal phalanx. There are many different techniques for surgical treatment of this lesion. In this article, we describe the extension block with Kirschner wire technique, proposed by Ishiguro in 1997, and modified by Tetik and Gudemez in 2002.
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Tetik C,Gudemez E. Modification of the extension block Kirschner wire technique for mallet fractures. Clin Orthop.2002;404:284-90.
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Pegoli L, Toh S, Arai K, Fukuda A, Nishikawa S, Vallejo IG. The Ishiguro extension block for the treatment of mallet finger fracture:indications and clinical results. J Hand Surg [BR].2003;28(B):1:15-17.